Thursday, May 10, 2012

Review - "Painting Air" by Spencer Finch at RISD

Yesterday I had the chance to visit the RISD Art Museum to check out "Painting Air" by Spencer Finch.
The exhibit will be running from February 24 till July 29th 2012.

The exhibit was right up my alley, upon entering I noticed many paintings by Claude Monet. Spencer Finch included a painting he made a copy of Claude Monet's The Basin of Argenteuil. Monet was a big inspiration for Spencer's even though much of his works doesn't look like what Monet's impressionistic paintings. Spencer was inspired by Monet's visual interpretations on color and light.

Monet is one of my favorite artists and a huge inspiration for me so naturally I felt a real connection with this exhibit.

The exhibit includes many of Spencer's works, ranging from paintings, photography, and three dimensional artworks. In the middle of the entrance room was a large pool of water and an ice making machine. Spencer created the effect of glaciers melting before your eyes.

The highlight of the trip for me was the Painting Air exhibit. Upon entering the room you notice the walls with blocks of solid color and in the center of the room, square panels of glass hanging from thin wires. The panes of glass slowly rotate with the breeze created by the viewer walking around the installation.

Painting Air gives a very reverent feel where I almost wanted to just sit and meditate as I watched the images changing before my eyes. As the glass panels rotate they reflect the solid colors on the walls and even sometimes the panels with rotate and emit a reflection of yourself; a very personal moment. The instillation is always moving and changing, and it is never the same view twice.

I highly recommend checking this installation out while it is there. I had never heard of Spencer before, but I shall be checking out his upcoming works for sure.

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